Friday, January 23, 2009

Give me Fever...

From RevGals...It's Friday Night Fever!

The promt for this week's Friday Five: "Help! Please give us five suggestions for combating cabin fever and staying cheerful in our monochromatic world!"

1. Write a sonnet about snow. The discipline of getting the syllables/feet right will take your mind off of the drifting flakes.

2. Re-organize your books into new categories. I used to love doing this as a kid in the wintertime. Who says fiction needs to be by author? Perhaps the color of the spine seems a fun way to go or maybe it's thickness or height! And this from a librarian! Yes, you have my official okay to try this at home.

3. Make an offering to the wind! Boil up some orange peel, cinnamon, clove, etc. and take the steaming pot outside--set it in a drift--and let the wind pick up the sweetly scented steam. Homemade incense, in a way.

4. Make personalized crossword puzzles for those you love.

5. Start an email recipe exchange and try something new for dinner!


Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

I just made homemade applesauce and that aroma is quite nice as well. Nice play.

Kimberly said...

Nothing like filling the home with the aroma of something wonderful cooking on the stove...there's something to knowing the goodness of our senses and intentionally delighting them in wonderfully healthy ways, isn't there?

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Persohalized crossword puzzles? Hmmmmm...pondering that one...