On Watching an Amaryllis Bloom
A wild patience has taken me this far… Adrienne Rich
A patience expectant,
that is learning
by fingering shapes imagined
an artful piecing
of what has been
since the beginning,
and thought that is now,
and wonder at what could be;
while, oh glory,
intently, purposefully,
on the real:
the progressive
trumpeting of
blooming amaryllis jazz
that deepens daily
my hope in beauty.
(image from farm1.static.flickr.com/101/302466626_151cc65cf7.jpg?v=0)
I'm not quite sure by what path I made it to your blog but I was truly enchanted - by your words,choice of art, and reflective musings
I, too, like fountain pens
and poetry, and thinks that move me
"Consider the Lilies" - yes, of course, that is what led me - something I clearly recall considering since age 8
and now 52
at 18 walked the "religious" path
and now, on occasion, sneaks a view with one eye
Thank you for the lovely view
Diane in Maine
who once lived near NYC
Diane, welcome, welcome! Thank you for your comment. I am glad you stopped here...by whatever path.
Enjoy the lilies you encounter, blooming portents of coming glory.
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