Monday, December 21, 2009

Two for Advent/Dos para Adviento


The star-

The robes-
bedsheets and dirty cord.

The kings-
dethroned and sun leathered.

The baby-
oh, the baby was wailing real

and seemed to know
that his life would be
with the people of the streets.

c. MperiodPress

Adviento IV, 2009

Oro, Incienso, y Mirra

Cuando yo les encontré,
tenían regalos para dar.

El cantante borracho del calle
que besó mi mano.

La abuelita sin dientes
que besó mi mejilla.

El hombre que dió un guiño
mientras tomó mas pan
para dar al perro.

Gaspar, Baltazar, y Melchor
están en camino.

Guarde unas comidas
para los viajeros reales
y unas cascaras con mantequilla
para el perro.

c. MperiodPress

Advent IV, 2009

Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

When I met them,
they were laden with gifts to give.

The drunk street musician
who kissed my hand;

The toothless grandmother
who kissed my cheek;

The guy who winked
when he took extra bread
and fed it to the dog.

Gaspar, Balthazar, and Melchior
are on their way.

Save some food for
the travelling royalty

and some buttery crusts for the dog.

c. MperiodPress

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