Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday 10

From pals at Rev Gals

"As we look back we may come to understand how God has worked in and through us in joy and sadness. how we have grown against what may seem impossible odds. As we look forward we may do so with expectation, and we may do so with fear and trembling. As we look back and forward in New Years liminality I offer you this simple yet I hope profound Friday Five in two parts:

First list five things that you remember/ treasure from 2008

Then list five things that you are looking forward to in 2009

From 2008

1. Recognizing myself in letters received from my father whose life was saved *because* of an aneurysm rupturing.

2. Having my poetry included in Lessons and Carols--watching and feeling Word live in a new way.

3. A particular visit to the Metropolitan Museum that left my heart singing a song it didn't know it knew and that it continues to hum.

4. My month in Mexico and subsequent contact with friends made there

5. Writing an important letter that will affect the rest of my life--asking to begin the process for final vows

For 2009

1. The possibilities of an extended international experience

2. The writing that might come from that-- the chance to write in different settings about new facets of God that Iare revealed.

3. Settling deeper and deeper into the wonder of God and finding ever more freedom there

4. Unknown adventure

5. 1-20-09!!!!!!!!!


revkjarla said...

What a beautiful blog you have.
Great FF play...and what is 1. 20. 09????? :-)
Joy to you this new year.

Rev Honey said...

I appreciated visiting your blog...your creativity is very evident. God bless your journey+

Processing Counselor said...

Sounds like you had a full 2008, full of good and not so good (your dad.) Lots to look forward to for 2009! Good play.

Kimberly said...

Thanks to each for taking the time to comment!

Karlajean, Thanks for the comment! Not sure if your question about 1-20-09 is rhetorical, but just in case it isn't, that's inauguration day!

Rev Honey, Thanks! Glad you enjoyed. Stop back!

Processing Counselor, Dad's aneurysm was in 2006. He just started writing letters this year...letters that so clearly show the orgins of my own writing and story-spinning style. Who knew pacing, word choice, and sentence structure could be genetic?? Amazing.