Saturday, August 27, 2016

A Light no Darkness can Overcome


I spent six weeks away this summer. Five of those weeks I was working at our General Chapter, translating/interpreting. While I did that, life went on... The life of the Chapter, the life of the Province, the life of the world.

When I came home, it was clear that a sister who had been sick before I left would soon die. As her journey drew her homeward, we kept vigil with her through the day and though the night. The house took on a different feel those though time was somehow measured differently within this particular circle of love, fidelity, and relationships.

She died in the middle of the night. The next morning while I ate breakfast, drank coffee, and made a shopping list for what we'd need for the wake, someone was editing her obituary, and someone else was making phone calls to coordinate liturgical particulars. And, the washing machine decided to start screeching and students were coming over to use our downstairs space for a leadership workshop, I had a meeting at 10, and someone needed to go to the airport later in the afternoon.

Life continues its rhythms and cycles. It goes on. Not indifferently or blindly, but it does go on. It occurred to me that this sort of determination-force, this generative being-ness, growth, evolution, that can not be held back, is the heart of the Light in the prologue to John's Gospel.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

The Word can not be held bound...not by place, not by will, not by death. It will bloom; dance; console; disturb; reveal; inspire; challenge; beckon.

Life and Word go on. Around, within, and through the whole of creation, which includes This particular and unique being. I and all I feel, think, and have within my being, are beautifully, mysteriously, bound up in this cycle of Light. This cycle of Love.

How utterly astounding...and humbling...and worthy of deep, quiet, thanksgiving.

World without end; Light beyond darkness; Word made flesh; Amen Amen Amen.



Ginny Hamel said...

I have known that feeling ,had that experience many times
grateful to have your words to,put to the felt experience
condolences,too,to you and your community on Sally's death

Perla said...

Thank you for these very meaningful words and thoughts...just what I needed to go in with my day...full of challenges...I always recur too my Sacred Heart heritage....from Havana, Madrid, Kenwood (Albany), and lastly Manhattan billed (Mother Byrne)...the spiritual LIFE, it keeps us ALWAYS ALIVE...Thanks for a"reminder" spite of everything I have lived through, Thank God IT endures...just as you explain it...
