Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Trinity of Years

I mentioned to someone that today was the anniversary of my final vows in the Society and they asked "How many years?" Without even thinking I said, "Three and a lifetime."

I have had occasion of late to look back over pictures from the course of my life... I look at the younger me and think--You had no way of knowing, but it really does turn out okay... I look at my youthful self and remember dreams I had...dreams that could not have imagined the challenge and grace my life would come to hold...and it had already held its fair portion. I look into my own eyes and remember who I was...and I look at my hand now and see the ring that I wear that for me is a sign of both my freedom and my intimate union.

My freedom and my intimate union...this pairing continues to entice me, draw me, challenge me, and invite this is my yes, my understanding of Love, and my deep and abiding belief that "Nothing can separate you from my love."

Recently I read an article about Pope Francis that quoted him as saying "Avanti senza paura." Go forward without fear. This is my prayer for the years, the adventure, the Love, that is still to come.



Silvana rscj said...

Congratulations on your trinitarian anniversary! - and many more to come!

But... Avanti doesn't mean go, it means forward, or even come (it works like adelante) - so it's an invitation into the future as well as a mission.

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary and congrats!

Kimberly said...

Thanks! The article's author should have checked with you first! I like the nuance you offer...