Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Two Poems on the Journey

c. ArtemKreo

Ash Wednesday

Let this cross be my call 

to learn from the sun
how to live

to give everything
and still let go
one more time

to bloom full,
to bow,
and offer the wind
my soft petaled spirit.

                                                                                    c. MperiodPress


Oh, you amaze me—
what you show and teach me
and have me feel
leaves me humbled…

Humbled and nearly inside out
with a desire to
stand in the wind
where giving and receiving meet

and proclaim my love in return
with arms open wide-
reaching for the world.


1 comment:

TrudyConx said...

Thanks for your sharing; it touches me deeply. Trudy

Gratitude is beyond words.
You promised rescue if trusted.
With trusting gecko feet,
Clinging is powerful.
Life has been rescued and reverenced.
Gratitude is shown in Kindness and understanding. 2/11/12/ tjc