Friday, February 26, 2010

Wind in my Praying

Part of the response to a friend who emailed and mentioned that I seemed to be really in "it" here...meaning the experience and the living.

Yes, I guess you could say that I am in "it" here, but I still go "there" as well.... and sometimes my heart doesn´t know where to go and just takes off, lighting on images and faces and memories and places all around the world. A in India, C and I in Brasil, I in France, L in Indonesia, M in Canada, folks in various places in Mexico, all over the US, S in Japan, all over Chile, L in PR, memories of England, images from the news, Haiti, NOLA, SF Xavier in NYC, the schools where I have been, years and years of dear and wonderful friends, people who have passed through the community.... Often I walk with beads and let each one be a name, a place, a face, an image, praying. If not beads, then with a flip of the stone I carry in my is just the size and roundness and smoothness to fit in my hand and turn over with a scootch of the fingers of that hand.

At the same time, I like it when my heart goes free like that--to feel wind in my praying... and there is also a desire to be grounded too.... the grounding is what lets the other happen with such joy. And wow, to think that the grounding is God and hope and love that I know in the here and now...

1 comment:

John said...

Eager to hear how you and your community are faring. Many prayers your way!