Sunday, May 24, 2009

Shadows in a Former Space

Today, I arrived at Mass customarily early. Thus ended personal custom for this Sunday!

The church space has shrunk over the course of the week—new dimensions are demarcated by floor-to-top-of-scaffolding canvas sheets. The cloth affords a wedge shaped view of what lies beyond this artificial boundary—the high altar, caution-taped sections of pews…

My curiosity, however, is not drawn to imagining what is or once was behind. Instead, I am captivated by the shadows on the forefront. Rippling canvas changes support beam shadows into flowing banners. The placement of caged incandescent bulbs multiplies by at least five-fold the number of procession crosses seen. Congregants and ministers arranging themselves in the new space also cast their marks on the curtains—mingling and sharing shape with the banners and crosses.

All things considered, I can’t help but wonder that we’re called to that no matter our surroundings. To share space and being with the crosses we encounter, to be those banners announcing glory.

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